Born 9/11/1897 in Hertford, Hertfordshire
Son of Henry Stocker Wilson Hall LRCP & Elizabeth Hall (nee Rodenhurst) of 20 Castle Street, Hertford
Educated at St Catherine’s, Broxbourne
Enlisted in the Hertfordshire Yeomanry 25/9/14
Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, 11th 'Cambridgeshire' Battalion, Suffolk Regiment 29/11/15
Promoted Lieutenant 5/5/17
To France 13/7/17 & served with 11th Suffolk Regiment
On 26/8/17 the 11th Suffolks took part in 'a most successful attack on Malakhoff Farm and trench system in front of Hargricourt' for which Cpl S.J.Day was awarded the Victoria Cross & Lieut W.R.Hall was awarded the Military Cross:
“For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When his senior company officers were severely wounded, and a large number of other ranks were made casualties, he took command and succeeded in reorganising his company, rallying and encouraging his men. He showed great courage and coolness throughout.” (MC LG 7/3/18)
Note: Cpl Day's VC group sold by Noonans in 2018 - Click here
For more details about Malakhoff Farm - Click here
The following year - on the 2nd day of the German Spring Offensive 22/3/18 - the Suffolk Regimental History records:
'From dawn till dusk, the 11th Suffolks struggled desperately to defend Henin Hill (near Croisilles). In the course of the afternoon the enemy tried again and again to force his way into the trenches of the second system. A block was formed by Lieut W.R.Hall M.C. who beat of repeated attacks with great coolness and determination'
And Sir Arthur Conan Doyle described this action as follows:
'About 8.00am on 22nd March 1918 the enemy attacked the 102nd Brigade in the Croisilles sector, but two attempts had no result, though the general British line was now 500 yards west of the village. About 10.00am a misfortune occurred, for a heavy column of the enemy, moving up through a dense mist, broke through the 101st Brigade and carried the greater part of Henin Hill, a most important strategic point. The possession of the hill was, however, contested most strongly by the 40th Division machine-gun company and by the 11th Suffolks, who by their valiant resistance prevented the enemy from gaining the whole crest'
During this brave defence of Henin Hill, Lieut W.R.Hall was wounded & whilst on his way back to the dressing station he was killed
KIA F&F 22/3/18
Commemorated on the Arras Memorial, France
Also commemorated on the Hertford Town War Memorial & St.Andrew’s Church Memorial, Hertford
For further biographical details - Click here
With copy of his Medal Index Card, London Gazette MC Citation, ODGW & CWGC details plus supporting research
Condition: In original waxed card Plaque Case, EF