Harry Albert Eden
Born 29/1/1888
To France 14/8/14 as L/7096 Sergeant, 4th Middlesex Regiment & qualified for the Aug-Nov 1914 Clasp
Nine days later in The Battle of Mons 23/8/14 the 'Diehards' lived up to their name when they held up the German 1st Army near Obourg Station on the Mons-Cond canal. This was the first major action of the Great War & the 4th Middlesex sustained some 460 casualties - more than a quarter of all British Army casualties this day, which numbered just over 1,600 all ranks, killed, wounded & missing
Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant 12/9/15 within the 4th Middlesex Regiment
Discharged 1918 & was awarded the Silver War Badge
His Officers Papers exist at TNA but we have not checked them Ref: WO 339/45152
In September 1939 he was recorded as a retired member of the Middlesex Regt living at 'Doresta', Hill Road, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire
In 1955 the Daily Express reported that 'retired Major' Harry Albert Eden was tried at Barnet County Court & found guilty of persecuting his neighbour, Frederick Morton-Smith, over a period of 8 years. Eden was fined £150 and warned that any repetition of these outrages would result in a prison sentence
With copy of his MIC & supporting research documentation
Condition: On old silk ribbon, NEF