Henry Charles Newman
Born 31/3/1871
Served as Chief Gunner, Royal Navy in WW1
Awarded the MBE (Military) 'For valuable services in HMS Emperor of India, 1st Battle Squadron' in London Gazette 17/7/19
Invested with by The King at Buckingham Palace 20/7/20
Note: HMS Emperor of India was later involved in the Allied intervention in the Black Sea 1919-21 during the Russian Civil War
Retired as Lieutenant R.N. 12/8/22
In the 1939 Register he was recorded as Lieutenant, Royal Navy (Retired) & Air Raid Precautions Warden living at No.1 First Aid Post, living at 28 Bonchurch Road, Portsmouth
Died in Portsmouth, Hampshire 4/1/67
With copy of his Naval Officers' Papers, Medal Roll, London Gazette entry & supporting documentation
Condition: EF