15th Ludhiana Sikhs
Note: The 15th Ludhiana Sikhs were the first Indian Infantry to arrive in France 26/9/14. They fought with distinction on the Western Front at La Bassee in 1914 & at Neuve Chappelle, Aubers, Ypres, St Julian & Festubert in 1915.
Indian Units won 8 Victoria Crosses on the Western Front during WW1 - of 11 in total - including Lieut John G.Smyth,15th Ludhiana Sikhs, was awarded the Victoria Cross 'For most conspicuous bravery near Richebourg L'Avoue on 18th May 1915. With a bombing party of 10 men, who voluntarily undertook this duty, he conveyed a supply of 96 bombs to within 20 yards of the enemy's position over exceptionally dangerous ground, after the attempts of two other parties had failed. Lieutenant Smyth succeeded in taking the bombs to the desired position with the aid of two of his men (the other eight having been killed or wounded), and to effect his purpose he had to swim a stream, being exposed the whole time to howitzer, shrapnel, machine-gun and rifle fire'.10 Indian Other Ranks were awarded the IDSM for this same action. For Smyth's own fascinating verbal account about joining the 15th Ludhiana Sikhs, life in India, his relationship with the Sikhs & winning the Victoria Cross - Click here
The 15th Ludhiana Sikhs then moved from France to Egypt in late 1915 & joined the Western Frontier Force to fight against some 2,000 Senussi tribesmen who had been trained & assisted by Turkish military officers. The 15th Sikhs' first mission against the Senussi was at Duwwar Hussein 11/12/15 & theywere later in action around Wadi Majid. The results obtained by 15th Ludhiana Sikhs were regarded with distinction & they earned the Battle Honour ‘Egypt 1915-17.’
Condition: On old silk ribbon, GVF