Charles Allen Ellery
Born Ryde, Isle of Wight 4/2/1885
Married 1913
Lived in Windsor
He was employed on the staff of the Times & in 1916 he appealed at several Military Tribunals against being called up for war service on domestic grounds
Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant 20/9/17 & then served in France with 332nd Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery
Note: This 6" Howitzer Battery was formed in January 1917 & went to the Western Front in May 1917, starting in Ploegsteert Sector then saw action during 3rd Battle of Ypres. It was down to Bertrancourt for the retreat from the German Spring Advance in March 1918 & then took part in the Final Advance from Mericourt to Bois l'Evecque. The WW1 unit history was published as '332 Siege Battery R.G.A. - An Account of its Adventures in the Great War, 1917-18'
In 1939 he was an Assistant Manager of a 'Government Subsidised Organisation for Travel & Industrial Development' living at 5 Bolton Crescent, New Windsor
Died 16/10/53
With copy of his Medal Index Card & a digital file of supporting details
Condition: On old silk ribbons, NEF